Monthly Canadian M&A Report

Month Ended June 30, 2024


176 M&A transactions closed last month, 7.2% higher than the average monthly transaction count over the last ten years. As of June 30, M&A activity year-to-date is down 16.6% versus 2023. Cash on corporate balance sheets in North America decreased to $7.1 trillion (USD). There was approximately $1.3 trillion (USD) of private equity dry powder, which represents approximately $2.6 trillion (USD) in latent acquisition capacity when debt funding is factored in. Global inflationary pressures and uncertainty continue to dampen investor sentiment and valuations.

Considering long-term private market M&A activity, our view is that we are currently experiencing mid-cycle conditions. The reported declines are driven primarily by peak M&A market conditions in 2023, rather than current market activity.


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